- 1960 – by November ASJJ Constitution, Aims and Objects, and Grading Curriculum, all adopted.
- An effective technique be acceptable upon the discretion of the grading panel.
- Dan grades were recorded as Black Belt Register Book 1 (graded by the Society (ASJJ)) and Book 2 (graded by another organisation).
- 1961 – the proposed new grading curriculum to Black belt, adopted.
- individual membership subscription 5/- per annum.
- Individual membership cards introduced with name and club.
- Len Noyes and W Brown elevated to Black Belt 4 Bars. Newspaper articles July 12th, 19th, 26th, reported to be the highest grade in Australia,
- new badge (blue) to be worn on judogi, accepted.
- ASJJ was seeking affiliation overseas.
- 1962 – new curriculum BB 1st and 2nd bar including outside surprise attacks, adopted.
- Grade certificates to be awarded only to members graded by the Society.
- 1963 – AGM 28/06/63 – Ray Hutchison recorded as in attendance (future secretary BBC). Meeting 26/07/63 – Sid Brooksby recorded as in attendance (future President) and Elain Mitchell (future Treasurer)
- Wallace C. Brown of Engadine NSW, appointed to position of Past Master.
- Concern on level at which throws were taught to beginners under Society curriculum e.g., seoi-nage.
- From this date (21/09/1963) All BB gradings to be conducted by Society Panel.
- Correspondence from Ron Forrester Canadian Jiu-jitsu Association
- Minimum 2-years between Bar promotions.
- 1964 – Proposal – the 19 Black Belts of the Society, form a BB Council. Carried.
- BB Council meeting 4/4/1964 – Any Black Belt or higher hit outright with any weapon at a grading must repeat the entire grading curriculum upon reviewal or when being regraded.
- BB grading system changed from Bars to Degrees.
- Discussion continued on acquiring land and raising money under an ASJJ Building Fund, for establishing an ASJJ Headquarters. Plus, two projects a) for a 200 club with members paying ten pound with a prize of a Holden Sedan or one-thousand pounds. And b) Pay five pound towards the Building Fund and have free access to the new gym when completed for one-year.
roger2021-11-03 12:02:302021-11-26 15:57:20First 5-years – meetings and policy
First 5-years 1961 – 65 Office BearersFirst Affiliated Clubs
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